My main purpose for this review is to let women know that Curt Redd is a safe practitioner who has kept his focus on assisting me in the process of healing. Initially, I told Curt that I suffer from the effects of Childhood sexual abuse. I expressed that typically I seek out female therapist, because I don’t trust male therapists. Curt was able to accept my concerns. He could have told me he was not interested in working with me because my distrust made him feel uncomfortable. Instead, Curt said he felt privileged that I was willing to work with him. I began working with Curt Oct 4, 2014. In my estimation, I’ve received the maximum amount of recovery because I was able to experience safe touch from Curt, a male therapist. Curt has been easy to communicate with in regard to anything concerning my treatments. Curt is an excellent Myofascial Release Therapist. I wholeheartedly recommend Curt to anyone seeking physical relief.