Is it possible to release chronic pain painlessly?

Is it possible to release chronic pain painlessly?

I recently received a regular massage from a guy who has been in the business a long time and is very good at deep tissue work.  It had been a rather long time for me, so I really needed to be worked on. On a pain scale of 1 to 10,  I would have to say I was above a 7 most of the time and at a 9.5 quite often.  (I would say a 10 but I’ve never given birth so it doesn’t seem fair…)  I couldn’t even breathe.  (Yes, I should have said something to him, but I just groaned instead.  It’s a guy thing…)  That is just the type of massage I used to do in my practice, before I found Myofascial Release.

A gentle “4” or less is my standard!

I make it a point to insist when I am working on a client that they let me know if the pain level ever gets to a 5 or more.  Why?  Because Myofascial Release only works if the person is able to stay calm and relaxed.  If they are trying to brace against the pain, nothing is going to be letting go.

Myofascial Release is a combination of gentle sustained pressure or stretches that are sustained until the fascial tissue releases on its own.  The focus is on the fascia, the connective tissue, not on the muscles.  The fascia will only release when the body is not going into defense mode, which is caused by excessive pain.

A slow motion deep tissue massage just takes more patience.

When a client comes in for a treatment, we will discuss what their complaints are and what they want to work on.  We will do an evaluation to determine the most optimal course of action.  I don’t have a standard routine.  I never try to work on the whole body in a single session.  I will spend however much time it takes to get the area that needs releasing to release.  It is not uncommon for me to spend a whole hour on the neck and shoulder, or just the neck.  I might spend two or more sessions on a sore or frozen shoulder if that’s what it takes.

My point is, I take the time, however long it takes, to stay with the knotted, tight, sore area with gentle pressure until it gradually releases and the pain goes away.  I sometimes describe it as a slow motion deep tissue massage.  By the time we are done, we have actually got the tightness to release much more completely than most any regular deep tissue massage is ever able to do.

And with far less pain.

Same Name – But Not At All The Same!

My massage therapist called what he was doing Myofascial Release, but I wouldn’t call it that.

There are a lot of copy cats springing up everywhere, but they are not all the same.

If they are really painful, they are not the original, John Barnes Myofascial Release.


You can find more information on my website, and you can also schedule yourself for a 30 minute, no pressure, no obligation, evaluation, and get a taste of what Myofascial Release is like and what it can do for you.

Please call me anytime.  My cell is 480-540-2835. is the website.

Curt Redd, LMT