Our therapists are all licensed, insured, experienced and well trained.
At The Release Connection, we look beyond the typical diagnosis, and search for root causes. Our therapists use a unique blend of Myofascial Release, CranioSacral techniques and Massage Therapy. Your Salt Lake City myofascial release therapist is here to help facilitate your body’s own inherent ability to heal.

Your therapist will work with you to design a treatment to meet your specific needs. Whether you are looking for a reduction in pain, greater movement, enhanced performance, or way to take your healing to the next level, the session will be tailored to help meet your individual goals.
Because every situation is different, there is no specific routine. You should expect only a portion of the body to be directly worked on during any given session, but know that the entire body is being treated even if the therapist touches only the head or the feet. When a pull on the ankles, the neck, or an arm is instigated, it is inherently connected to all other parts of the body through the fascial system, as if one were pulling on the edge of a spider web, or a loosely knit sweater.