Energy Work
My original entry into the field of massage therapy was through the study of energy work. Energy is the natural life force, Qi (chi), that flows through the body. It is very subtle, but anyone can learn to sense it. Because we all sense it on some level of our awareness. It is just that we don’t recognize it, and so we are not aware of what it is we are feeling. What we can easily feel is that when our energy flow gets blocked or restricted, something just doesn’t feel right. Eventually a restriction in energy flow with manifest as pain or illness in the body.
CranioSacral Therapy is one of the more well known forms of energy work. All energy work entails the sensing of the blockages and working to free up the restrictions and allow the body to heal itself.
Energy Work Remote Session
This is an intuitive session involving remotely connecting with the client on an energy level. It is primarily designed to deal with issues that may be manifesting as pain, constriction, anxiety, stress, uneasiness, or depression. It may or may not include discussion of traumatic events or incidents, depending on the client’s desires and comfort level.
Often, just being able to tune in to the client and sense what emotions, traumas, memories, or subconscious hidden beliefs are being held in the tissues is enough to begin the releasing process when a safe holding space is maintained that nurtures the natural self-healing mechanism of the body. Distance is a non-issue.
This session is conducted over the phone with either audio, Face Time, or Zoom.
Emotional Trauma Release
People often sense that they have emotional issues, but don’t know how to get past them. Trapped emotions, such as fear, stored in the tissues, as well as belief systems hidden deep in the subconscious mind (limbic brain) that we are not aware of, can create all kinds of problems in our lives.
You can feel the effects of trapped emotions and hidden belief systems as they are constantly exerting powerful influences on you, your actions, reactions, and decisions processes. They can affect you physically just as much as they can mentally and emotionally. It is self-evident that a significant percentage of physical illnesses, emotional difficulties and self-sabotage are actually caused by these unseen energies.
This emotional baggage often consists of discrete energies that became trapped during emotional events they experienced in their past. These energies can be found and removed relatively easily through Emotional Trauma Release techniques.
You can take your life back, enjoy better health, and finally be free from the insidious and subtle forces that trapped emotions are exerting upon you.
Deep Tissue /Trigger Point Therapy
Deep tissue massage is generally more aggressive than traditional Swedish massage, for those who want more than just relaxation.
Trigger points are tiny knots that develop in a muscle when it is injured or overworked. Commonly a cause of most joint pain, they are known to cause headaches, neck and jaw pain, low back pain, tennis elbow, and carpal tunnel syndrome.
Trigger Point Therapy can relieve muscular aches and pains in association with these areas. It can also assist with the redevelopment of muscles and/or restore motion to joints.
Swedish Massage
In all Swedish massage, the therapist lubricates the skin with massage oil and performs various massage strokes. These movements warm up the muscle tissue, releasing tension and gradually breaking up muscle “knots” or adhered tissues, called adhesions. Swedish massage promotes relaxation, circulation, and various other health benefits.
During a Swedish massage you are generally nude underneath a towel or sheet. The therapist uncovers only the part of the body he/she is working on. If the nudity gets you out of your comfort zone, you can keep your underwear on, and many newcomers do. You can also wear loose fitting shorts and a tank top, to keep you covered, but still make it easier to access those tense areas.