Joseph E. LeDoux
Center for Neural Science, New York University, New York, New York 10003; e-mail:
Key Words
fear, memory, learning, conditioning, amygdala, limbic system
The field of neuroscience has, after a long period of looking the other
way, again embraced emotion as an important research area. Much of the progress
has come from studies of fear, and especially fear conditioning. This work has pin-
pointed the amygdala as an important component of the system involved in the acqui-
sition, storage, and expression of fear memory and has elucidated in detail how stimuli
enter, travel through, and exit the amygdala. Some progress has also been made in
understanding the cellular and molecular mechanisms that underlie fear conditioning,
and recent studies have also shown that the findings from experimental animals apply
to the human brain. It is important to remember why this work on emotion succeeded
where past efforts failed. It focused on a psychologically well-defined aspect of emo-
tion, avoided vague and poorly defined concepts such as “affect,” “hedonic tone,” or
“emotional feelings,” and used a simple and straightforward experimental approach.
With so much research being done in this area today, it is important that the mistakes
of the past not be made again. It is also time to expand from this foundation into
broader aspects of mind and behavior
After decades of neglect, neuroscience has again embraced emotion as a research
topic. This new wave of interest raises the question of why emotion was over-
looked for so long. It is instructive to consider this question before examining
what has been learned about emotional circuits, as some of the factors that led
brain researchers to turn away from this topic may again hamper progress unless
they can be grappled with.
One of the main exceptions to the bleak state of affairs regarding the brain mech-
anisms of emotion is the body of research concerned with neural system under-
lying fear, especially in the context of the behavioral paradigm called fear
conditioning. It has, in fact, been research on fear conditioning, and the progress
that has been made on this topic, that has been largely responsible for the renais-
sance of interest of emotion within neuroscience. In this work, the fear system
has been treated as a set of processing circuits that detect and respond to danger,
rather than as a mechanism through which subjective states of fear are experi-
enced. Through this approach, fear is operationalized, or made experimentally
tractable. Some limbic areas turn out to be involved in the fear system, but the
exact brain areas and the nature of their involvement would never have been
predicted by the limbic system theory.
Neuroanatomy of Fear Conditioning
Research from several laboratories combined in the 1980s to paint a relatively
simple and remarkably clear picture of the neuroanatomy of conditioned fear (see
Kapp et al 1992, LeDoux 1992, Davis 1992, Fanselow 1994). In short, condi-
tioned fear is mediated by the transmission of information about the CS and US
to the amygdala, and the control of fear reactions by way of output projections
from the amygdala to the behavioral, autonomic, and endocrine response control
systems located in the brainstem. Below, the input and output pathways, as well
as the connections within the amygdala that link inputs and outputs, are described.
The focus is on findings from rodents and other small mammals, as most of the
work on fear conditioning has involved these species (for the contribution of the
primate amygdala to fear and other emotions
Over the past several years, there has been an explosion of interest in the role of
the human amygdala in fear. Deficits in the perception of the emotional meaning
of faces, especially fearful faces, have been found in patients with amygdala
damage (Adolphs et al 1995, Calder et al 1996). Similar results were reported for
detection of the emotional tone of voices (Scott et al 1997). Furthermore, damge
to the amygdala (Bechara et al 1995) or areas of temporal lobe including the
amygdala (LaBar et al 1995) produced deficits in fear conditioning in humans.
Functional imaging studies have shown that the amygdala is activated more
strongly in the presence of fearful and angry faces than of happy ones (Breiter et
al 1996) and that subliminal presentations of such stimuli lead to stronger acti-
vations than do freely seen ones (Whalen et al 1998). Fear conditioning also leads
to increases in amygdala activity, as measured by functional magnetic resonance
imaging (LaBar et al 1998, Buchel et al 1998), and these effects also occur to
subliminal stimuli (Morris et al 1998). Additionally, when the activity of the
amygdala during fear conditioning is cross correlated with the activity in other
regions of the brain, the strongest relations are seen with subcortical (thalamic
and collicular) rather than cortical areas, further emphasizing the importance of
the direct thalamao-amygdala pathway in the human brain (Morris et al 1999).
Other aspects of emotion and the human brain area are reviewed by Davidson &
Irwin (1999), Phelps & Anderson (1997), Cahill & McGaugh (1998).
Although it is clear that studies of acute fear responses elicited by conditioned
fear stimuli cannot account for all aspects of fear and fear disorders, there is
growing enthusiasm for the notion that fear learning processes similar to those
occurring in fear conditioning experiments might indeed be an important factor
in certain anxiety disorders. For example, fear conditioning models of posttrau-
matic stress disorder and panic disorder (Pitman & Orr 1999, Goddard et al 1998)
have been proposed recently by researchers in these fields.
Earlier in this century, the notion that conditioned fear contributes to phobias
and related fear disorders was fairly popular. However, this idea fell out of favor
because laboratory fear conditioning seemed to produce easily extinguishable
fear, whereas clinical fear is difficult to treat. The notion arose that fear disorders
involve a special kind of learning, called prepared learning, where the CS is
biologically significant rather than neutral (Seligman 1971, Marks 1987, Ohman
1992). Although preparedness may indeed contribute, there is another factor to
consider. In studies of rats, Morgan et al (1993; but see Gewirtz & Davis 1997)
found that easily extinguished fear could be converted into difficult-to-extinguish
fear in rats with damage to the medial prefrontal cortex. This suggested that
alterations in the organization of the medial prefrontal regions might predispose
certain people in some circumstances (such as stressful situations) to learn fear
in a way that is difficult to extinguish (treat) under normal circumstances. These
changes could come about because of genetic or experiential factors, or some
Research on the emotional brain has progressed significantly in recent years,
largely as a result of a highly focused approach centered on the study of fear
mechanisms, and especially the mechanisms underlying fear conditioning. This
work has mapped out pathways involved in fear learning in both experimental
animals and humans, and it has begun to shed light on interactions between
emotional and cognitive processes in the brain. Although the focus on fear con-
ditioning has its limits, it has proven valuable as a research strategy and provides
a foundation upon which to build a broader understanding of mind and brain.
At the same time, there is a disturbing rush to embrace the amygdala as the
new center of the emotional brain. It seems unlikely that the amygdala is the
answer to how all emotions work, and it may not even explain how all aspects
of fear work. There is some evidence that the amygdala participates in postitive
emotional behaviors, but that role is still poorly understood. If an amygdala theory
of emotion is on the horizon, let it get there by data rather than by faith.
Neuroscience meetings these days have numerous papers on the role of the
brain in emotion, affect, hedonic tone, and the like. Unless these vague concepts
can be operationalized, as was done in the work on fear, they are likely to impede,
if not recede, the progress. The future of emotion research can be bright if we
keep in mind the way that emotion became respectable again: by focusing on a
psychologically well-defined aspect of emotion, by using an experimental
approach that simplified the problem in such a way as to make it tractable, by
circumventing vague and poorly defined aspects of emotion, and by removing
subjective experience as a roadblock to experimentation. This is not to suggest
that the hard problems should not be worked on but instead that they should be
worked on in a way that advances the field